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Top 10 Tips For Lower Back Pain Relief

It’s been estimated that a whopping 84% of adults will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Most people will just take ibuprofen and go about their day but it’s important to know that there are actually day-to-day things that you can do to lower your pain levels and lessen the chances of you feeling pain in the future. If you’re someone who deals with frequent or chronic back pain, you’ll want to keep reading for the top 10 tips for lower back pain relief!

1. Correct Your Posture

It should come as no shock that your posture when you’re sitting and standing play a huge part in how your back feels. Over the past few decades, our posture has started to become increasingly worse with so many people working a desk job and/or staring at their phones all day. When you’re slouching, your spine is curved and there is more pressure on your back. This puts your back at a higher risk for injury and can cause aching over time. Try to always stand up straight and find a sitting position that is comfortable for you and safe for your back.

2. Stretch Every Day

Stretching is one of the most important things you can do for lower back pain relief. Regular stretching will help loosen tight muscles to lower the risk of injury while also strengthening those same muscles to provide better support. Check out some of the best stretches for back, shoulder, and neck pain here!

3. Stay Active

When painful flare-ups occur, it’s easy to want to stay in bed and not move. But this is the worst thing that you can do for your back! Laying down for long periods of time will result in both tight and weak muscles. This will mean more aching and a higher risk that you’ll hurt yourself when you start moving again. Low-impact activities such as waking, swimming, and yoga are a great way to keep you healthy and your body moving. If you work at a desk, make sure to get up at least once an hour to walk around for a few minutes.

4. Up Your Sleep Quality

Sleeping with lower back pain can be a catch-22. When you are experiencing discomfort, it can be hard to get a good night's sleep. But not getting a high quality of sleep can impact the way our brain processes pain signals and may impair how our bodies heal. If possible, try to opt for a medium-firm to firm mattress to provide more support. Instead of sleeping flat on your back or on your stomach, elevate your knees by putting a pillow underneath them. You can also put a pillow between your legs if you prefer sleeping on your side. This will help to alleviate pressure on the lower back. Also, make sure you’re not eating less than 2 hours before you go to sleep or looking at your phone before bed. This will help you fall asleep faster and improve your quality of sleep.

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking restricts the blood flow in your body which means that the discs that cushion your vertebrae are affected. This lack of blood flow could result in faster disc degeneration and a higher risk of injury. It’s also been found that regular smokers also have an increased risk of weakened bones and osteoporosis. Lower back pain sufferers will most likely find a lot of relief once they decide to stop smoking.

6. Get Regular Massages

Massages are not only relaxing to the mind, but they’re also great for people dealing with chronic lower back pain. Massages help to loosen up tense muscles and promote blood flow for faster injury healing time. Try getting a massage 3-4 times a month to see how much it could impact your pain levels. Just make sure to communicate with your masseuse that you are suffering from lower back pain and that’s what you prefer to focus on.

7. Reduce Stress Levels

Constantly feeling stressed out can have a huge impact on how we deal with pain. When we feel stressed, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol. This hormone can put our bodies into fight or flight mode resulting in tense muscles and an increased chance of injury. While it’s easier said than done, reducing stress levels will lower your pain levels and allow your mind to focus on what’s most important–your health! Meditation, therapy, and seeing loved ones are all great ways to take your mind off stressful things happening in your life.

8. Lift Correctly

Lifting heavy objects the wrong way can twist the spine and cause muscle spasms and pain. While it’s ideal to avoid lifting heavy objects altogether, if you have to, make sure you’re doing it the right way. Lift from your legs and knees and not your back. This will lessen pressure on your lower back and avoid injury. If an item is too heavy, make sure to ask those around you for help!

9. Monitor Your Weight

Your weight is a huge contributing factor in your lower back pain levels. Extra weight puts pressure on your back which can put stress on the spine and make it tilt unevenly. This position of the spine will lessen the support in your back and ultimately lead to a curvature of the spine. While losing weight is another thing that’s easier said than done, it will greatly improve your pain levels and reduce the risk of more serious issues down the line. Make sure to stay active and check out how your diet may be affecting your chronic pain here!

10. Use Hot & Cold Therapy

Applying hot and cold temperatures to your lower back is one of the best things you can do for at-home pain relief. The cool temperatures can reduce inflammation while also helping to block the pain receptors in your brain for the affected area. Hot temperatures relax tense muscles to ease aching and reduce the chance of injury. A hot and cold patch is the easiest way to do this! Check out the SINSINPAS AREX Patches for easy at-home hot and cold therapy. They’re simple to apply and the effects are long-lasting throughout the day. Whether you’re relaxing at home, hard at work in the office, or staying active at your gym, the AREX Patches have got your lower back pain relief covered!

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